From the Publisher’s Pen: Select the Best and Cut the Rest!
You should receive your 2015 Braxton-Bragg catalog by February 1, 2015. If not, give us a call and we will send another one. This catalog is the culmination of six years of hard work.
When I joined this industry it was very clear to me that the lack of clear product and performance standards put the burden of selecting the best products on the customer, instead of the distributor. We set out to change that. To hold ourselves accountable we implemented the first and so far, the only unconditional money-back guarantee.
“Select the Best and Cut the Rest!”
That was the task I put to our team here at Braxton-Bragg. That may not seem like a big deal, but I can tell you it was a huge task. And how did we pull it off?
With YOUR help and guidance.
That’s right, once again we put you, the customer, first and let you tell us what the best products are by how often you chose and re-chose products. We also got the message loud and clear on items you didn’t like – and those are gone.
Therefore, I think it’s only fitting that I dedicate this year’s catalog to you, the hard-working fabricators, tile pros and concrete pros, who allow us to do what we do day in and day out. Thank you for you business and we look forward to serving you throughout 2015 and beyond.
Have a good read.
Rich Hassert
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